The Effects of Digital Devices on Dry Eyes: Treatment Options

The Effects of Digital Devices on Dry Eyes: Treatment Options

The Effects of Digital Devices on Dry Eyes: Treatment Options

The Effects of Digital Devices on Dry Eyes: Treatment Options

Do screens take up a lot of your time? Do you often feel your eyes are dry, irritated, or tired? If so, you may have digital eyestrain. Many people who use computers, cell phones, tablets, or other digital devices frequently have digital eyestrain. It can cause dry eyes, which is a lack of enough tears to lubricate and nourish your eyes.

Your eyes may feel unpleasant, irritated, or blurry due to dryness. They may also raise your chance of developing eye infections and vision issues. Here are some causes, symptoms, and treatment options for dry eyes caused by digital devices.

Causes of Dry Eyes From Digital Devices

Blinking helps spread tears over your eyes and keeps them wet and healthy. However, looking at screens makes you blink less frequently. Your tears dry up faster, leaving your eyes dry and bare. Other things that make your eyes dry from screens are:

  • The brightness, glare, or contrast of the screens
  • The distance, angle, or position of the screens
  • The quality, humidity, or temperature of the air around you
  • The duration and frequency of your screen use
  • The type, dosage, or side effects of any medications you take
  • The presence of underlying eye conditions or diseases

Symptoms of Dry Eyes From Digital Devices

  • A feeling of stinging or scratching in your eyes
  • A feeling of something in your eyes or a foreign body sensation
  • Redness or inflammation of your eyes or eyelids
  • Blurred or fluctuating vision
  • Sensitivity to light or glare
  • Difficulty wearing contact lenses
  • Eye fatigue or strain
  • Headaches or neck pain

Treatment Options for Dry Eyes From Digital Devices


Artificial Tears

These eye drops, which mimic natural tears, help lubricate and soothe your eyes. You can apply them all day as needed to get rid of your dryness and soreness.

Blinking Exercises

These are simple exercises that help you blink better and more often. You can do them every 20 minutes or so when you use screens. You could, for instance, close your eyes tightly for a few seconds before gradually opening them.

Screen Adjustments

You can change how your screens or environment look to ease the strain on your eyes. For instance, you can make your screens more eye-friendly by adjusting their brightness, contrast, or color. You can also reduce the glare from the screens using anti-glare filters or glasses. You can position your screens at a comfortable distance and angle from your eyes and keep them at or below eye level.

Breaks and Rest

By taking breaks from your devices, you can give your eyes a rest and an opportunity to recover. Look at something 20 feet away or so for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. Do something different without screens for longer breaks every hour or two. Close your eyes and rub your eyelids lightly for a few minutes.

Lifestyle Changes

By forming these habits, you can protect your eyes from dryness caused by digital devices and enhance your general eye health. To stay hydrated and prevent dehydration from alcohol and coffee, drink plenty of water. Eating omega-3-rich foods like fish, nuts, seeds, or supplements also enables you to reduce inflammation and produce more tears. Avoid smoking or exposure to smoke that can irritate your eyes.

Dry eyes from digital devices are a common and treatable condition affecting anyone who uses screens regularly. By keeping your eyes moist, you can preserve their comfort and health. Your eye doctor's guidance can also help.

For more on dry eye treatment, visit Montebello Optometry at our Montebello, California, office. Call (323) 888-9111 to schedule an appointment today.

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