Dry Eye and Contact Lenses: Tips for Safe and Comfortable Wear

Dry Eye and Contact Lenses: Tips for Safe and Comfortable Wear

Dry Eye and Contact Lenses: Tips for Safe and Comfortable Wear

Dry Eye and Contact Lenses: Tips for Safe and Comfortable Wear

For many, contact lenses present a refreshing change in vision correction. They offer convenience, improved aesthetics, and a wide field of view. But wearing contact lenses can pose challenges for individuals with dry eye syndrome.

Dry eye syndrome is a common condition stemming from insufficient tear production or poor tear quality. It leads to discomfort and irritation. For this reason, exploring helpful tips for safe and comfortable contact lens wear is vital.

Consult an Eye Care Professional

Seek professional advice to manage dry eye syndrome while wearing contact lenses. Your eye care professional will thoroughly evaluate your eye health and determine the severity of your dry eye condition. They will consider factors like tear production, tear quality, and any underlying causes contributing to your dry eyes.

Your eye care professional can recommend appropriate treatment options based on their evaluation. It may include using artificial tears and prescription medications. It also entails specialized therapies like punctal plugs to increase tear retention. It is best to address your dry eye condition before starting contact lens wear.

Choose the Right Contact Lens Material

Selecting the ideal contact lens material is essential when you have dry eyes. Soft contact lenses made from silicone hydrogel are more comfortable for individuals with dry eye syndrome. These lenses allow for more oxygen permeability.

Opt for Daily Disposable Lenses 

Daily disposable contact lenses are an excellent choice for people with dry eyes. These lenses are worn once, eliminating the need for cleaning, and storing solutions. Using fresh lenses daily minimizes the accumulation of protein deposits and other irritants, reducing the risk of discomfort and dryness.

Use Preservative-free Lubricating Drops

When wearing contact lenses, choose preservative-free lubricating drops compatible with contact lens wear. These drops provide instant relief by moisturizing the eyes and reducing dryness and irritation.

Follow a Strict Cleaning and Hygiene Routine

Proper hygiene is crucial for maintaining eye health when wearing contact lenses. It is more helpful for individuals with dry eyes. Always wash your hands thoroughly before handling contact lenses. Use a recommended contact lens solution to clean and disinfect your lenses. Follow the instructions provided by your eye care professional. Regular cleaning helps remove debris and reduces the risk of infection or discomfort.

Avoid Extended Wear 

Extended-wear contact lenses are for continuous use. They may not be suitable for individuals with dry eyes. Prolonged wearing of contact lenses can lead to a lack of oxygen flow to the cornea, exacerbating dry eye symptoms. Remove your lenses before bed to allow your eyes to rest and rejuvenate.

Limit Screen Time and Take Regular Breaks 

Excessive screen time can contribute to dry eye symptoms. Extended periods of digital device use can decrease the blink rate, leading to dryness and discomfort. Following the 20-20-20 rule can help alleviate this. It entails taking a 20-second break after every 20 minutes of near work to focus on an object 20 feet away. The practice helps reduce eyestrain and promotes tear production.

For more information about dry eye and contact lenses, visit Montebello Optometry at our office in Montebello, California. Call (323) 888-9111 to book an appointment today.

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